JENNIE-O NATURAL CHOICE Tender Browned Turkey Breast
*Unique Size for Product Turns*Skinless for 100% Yield*Convenient Grip N Tear Bag for Easy Opening*Natural Choice is an Excellent Consumer Tested Brand*Oil Browned for Premium Visual Appeal and Added Flavor thatEnhances Customer Satisfaction*Premium Quality and All Natural Adds Value and Supports theHighest Price Points*Natural, Whole Muscle Turkey with Premium Appearance andTexture*All Natural with No Artificial Ingredients to AttractPatrons Seeking These Quality Products*Create a "Destination" Sandwich or Salad that is unique toyour Establishment
Turkey continues to be a popular, wholesome comfort food that is emerging as an exciting, diverse protein that fits today's trends for flavor, visual appeal and smart eating. Enjoy Hot or Cold. Serve in a sandwich or burger, at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack. The versatility of turkey makes it a great go-to protein for any time.
READY_TO_EAT~This product is fully cooked and is "Ready To Eat".